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2 min read
Our Trading Systems - Why they work
Trading is much like preparing a gourmet dish. Your trading setups or patterns are the recipe, while strategies for managing money, risk,...
2 min read
What does it take to Discover the Winning Edge ?
What does it take to discover the winning edge in trading commodities? What does it take to make a career in trading commodities...
2 min read
Proven Trading Rules that Complement Strategy
In this post, we would talk about some very important rules that complement our discussion on Strategy. Incorporating these in your...
2 min read
Profit Management - The Secret to Making Money Consistently
Most traders know how to trade. They have all the technical tools and knowledge at their disposal. They have a profitable trading system....
3 min read
Optimizing Money and Risk Management for Trading Success
How much trading capital is good enough? To understand that, you need to understand the concept of EXPOSURE. So if the amount you need to...
2 min read
An Introduction to Effective Trading Strategies: Risk Management, Money Management and Profit Maximization
You are now familiar with all the technical tools required to trade commodities, such as Candlestick Patterns, Chart Patterns, Support &...
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