We take pride in our numbers
Years of experience
Years in the market
Years of research
Systems developed
What is our USP ?
Complete system
The system has proven setups and strategies, trade selection and a psychological index. The system is designed to be simple to learn.
Cut the clutter
The focus is on mastering a few proven setups rather than mastering the markets which is a tall order. Our setups have a high win ratio > 75%.
Trade selection
Trade selection is a critical skill to succeed. We would equip you with a proprietary tool to select the best trades objectively.
Take money home
An integral part of our strategy is to teach you "profit management" which is the art of paying yourself as the trade moves in your favour.
Psychological Index
Last but not the least, we provide you with a tool to monitor daily adherence to the most important trading rules. This helps to build your character.
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